Danger Detectives is an experiential learning event that aims to reduce accidents amongst young people whilst building community resilience. It achieves this by creating a safe environment where young people can:
- become more aware of safety both indoors and outside
- learn how to react to dangerous situations
- know what roles the emergency services play
- make a contribution towards reducing both crime and accidents
The event is run by steering group led by the Play and Early Intervention team of Vibrant Communities in partnership with Police Scotland, Scottish Fire and Rescue, Stagecoach, Ayrshire Roads Alliance, EAC Environmental Health and Trading Standards and the Dean Castle Countryside Ranger Service.
Pupils take part in a range of real life scenarios such as Internet Safety, Home Fire Safety, a Road Safety campaign, Hazard House, Safety when travelling on public transport, Countryside Safety and Flood Prevention set.
For more information please contact us.