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Lack of safety can have an adverse effect on individuals, families, communities and businesses. Community safety is the protection of everyone's right to live without fear for their own or other people's safety.

East Ayrshire Community Safety Partnership brings together agencies, organisations and communities to work out what needs to be done, and to plan, co-ordinate and take action to meet identified priorities.

Our guiding principles, are set out in the East Ayrshire Community Plan: Improving Community Safety.  The Plan has four main aims:

  • to tackle crime and antisocial behaviour and the fear of crime and antisocial behaviour
  • to work with young people to reduce being involved in crime and antisocial behaviour
  • to improve community safety in our neighbourhoods and homes
  • to promote child protection and the safety of vulnerable adults

The actions above direct how we do this and make sure that community safety is consistent and has a beneficial impact on people's safety through the community planning process.

Contact Information

Community Safety
Council Headquarters
London Road
Telephone: 01563 553950
Emergency out of hours (local rate): 0345 724 0000