Give radiators space
Move furniture away from radiators. Use drying racks instead of hanging clothes over the radiator as this can stifle the heat and reduces heat output.
Install a room thermostat
Monitor your household temperature and consider turning your heating down by just one degree as this could save you up to 8% on your energy bills.
Use only one heating system
Using portable electric heaters in addition to the main heating system increases costs and prevents the main heating system from operating properly.
Draught-proof your home
Most heat is lost through draughty doors and windows which can easily be prevented by using a heavy curtain/draught excluder and could save you £45 per year.
Reduce the use of vents
Whilst kitchen and bathroom vents suck out smells and moisture, they also suck out a lot of hot air so keep their use to a minimum.
Check your boiler is up to pressure
Turning down the flow temperature on your combi boiler to 60°C could save £112 on your heating bill.
Money saving boiler challenge
Take part in Nesta's Money Saving Boiler Challenge
B&Q: How to bleed a radiator video