We offer a comprehensive commercial waste and commercial recyclate collection service throughout the area.
We have a range of collection containers and collection patterns available. Our zero waste service officers can assist you in identifying the most cost effective and environmentally sound collection service to suit the individual requirements of your business. And, with the cost of collecting recyclable materials considerably less than the cost of collecting waste for sending to landfill, it makes commercial sense to maximise the recycling opportunities which arise from your business.
Commercial waste charges are reviewed annually and set by Council and apply from 1 April to 31 March each year.
Your legal responsibilities and duty of care
Duty of care applies to anyone who runs a business and produces, stores, transports, recycles or disposes of waste. Whatever the type of waste, whether it is cardboard boxes, plastic packaging or lunchtime leftovers, safe disposal is your responsibility.
The Environmental Protection Act 1990 (Section 34) introduced the concept of Duty of Care. Under this law you must take all reasonable steps to keep waste safe. All waste must be placed in suitable containers so that it cannot fall out, blow away, or escape. Containers should be sufficiently secure so that they cannot be broken open and waste removed by animals, accident or weather.
You must also ensure that the person(s) collecting or receiving your waste are authorised to do so, for example the Council or a registered waste carrier. Ensuring that your waste is disposed of properly is your responsibility. You must ask for proof from your waste contractor that they are registered.
When you agree to have your waste picked up by a licensed contractor you will be issued with a Waste Transfer Note to complete. This contains information about the type and amount of waste that your business produces. It also states the name and address of the company that collects your waste. You are required by law to have this documentation readily available.
Breach of duty of care is a criminal offence and may result in an unlimited fine.