Find out who owns land or property
You can find private property ownership information on the Registers of Scotland website. We do not hold records of the current ownership of private property.
You may wish to speak to a solicitor or contact the Planning Service to check on the suitability of your proposals before purchasing any land or property.
Estates Management are responsible for East Ayrshire Council's land and property ownership records. Contact us to enquire about:
- council ownership in a particular area
- the purchase of a small area of land believed to belong to East Ayrshire Council
- properties currently being marketed for sale
How to buy Council owned land
We normally advertise surplus land or property for sale on the open market and invite formal offers by tender unless there are special reasons to do otherwise.
Following an initial check of our land ownership, you can apply to purchase land or property not currently being marketed.
Application guidance notes
Please read the application guidance notes prior to submitting an application and fee.
The current initial fee is £210 which is non-refundable:
Pay online
Application form
Once you have completed payment, please note the payment reference number and provide this within the application to purchase land or property (PDF 237Kb).
Public open spaces
Please note, applications for planning permission to change the use of public open spaces or amenity grounds, owned by East Ayrshire Council, are unlikely to be approved in accordance with the East Ayrshire Local Development Plan.
Applicants are strongly advised to contact the Planning Service to check on the suitability of their proposal prior to submitting an application with non-refundable fee to purchase Council owned land.
Purchase conditions
Council land purchases or extension transactions will only go ahead provided that:
- the transaction doesn't adversely affect public open space
- no other party is likely to show interest (if so, the land will be placed on the open market for sale)
Approved transactions will be subject to the following main conditions and fees:
- the purchase price of the land (minimum of £500)
- East Ayrshire Council's Estates fees (1% of the purchase price subject to a minimum of £440)
- East Ayrshire Council's Legal fees (1% of the purchase price subject to a minimum of £525)
- your solicitor's fees
- approved planning permission for change of land use (this will incur an additional planning fee (PDF 890Kb) dependant on the nature of your proposal)
- road opening permit if required (currently £265)
- council approval of the provisional terms and conditions of sale