Improper assessment
If you feel you have been improperly charged for reasons other than valuation of your property, you must appeal in writing within 28 days of receiving your rates notice, giving the grounds on which your appeal is based, to:
Head of Finance and ICT
Council Headquarters
London Road
Valuation appeals
New owners, tenants or occupiers may appeal within four months of acquiring an interest in a property and where the Assessor alters the Valuation Roll (by making a new entry or changing the value); the appeal must be lodged within four months of the date of the Valuation Notice.
Appeals may be lodged at any time on the grounds of error or in the event of a material change of circumstances.
Most appeals are settled amicably between the Assessor and the ratepayer or appointed agent. If a settlement cannot be achieved then the appeal is heard by an independent Valuation Appeal Committee.
Find out about lodging an appeal at Scottish Assessors Association: More About Appeals.
You should not delay payment while awaiting the outcome of any appeal or application for relief.
Appeal hearings
View a list of Council Tax and Revaluation Appeals lodged in the area at Scottish Assessors Association: Appeal Hearings.