A new mailbox has been set up for our Care Leaver and Care Experienced Young People
This is now Your Mailbox and hopefully you will be able to use this mailbox for many purposes. We are also looking for your views on how we can improve and further design it.
Information and support
You can contact the mailbox to get more information and, if you are happy, your details can be passed directly on to the services that could help you get more information and support about:
- Employment Opportunities
- Benefits Information
- Learning Opportunities
- Universal Credit
- College
- Volunteering Opportunities
- Training Opportunities
- Much, much, more
If you provide your e-mail then we could send you information that comes in about new opportunities for you directly so that you can get the latest up to date information. This can include the latest jobs and training opportunities.
If you want to participate you can provide your e-mail address by using and sending your e-mail to the new Mailbox: Connecting.Voices@east-ayrshire.gov.uk
This way you will be providing consent and will be able to receive e-mails about lots of opportunities.
You can also use the Mailbox to ‘Have Your Say’ and come up with ideas and suggestions.
Having your say
- Have your say on how the Promise is delivered in East Ayrshire (link for more information can be provided)
- Get information on and participate in The Connecting Voices Group
- Have your say on what are the best ways for Care Leavers to get information
- Help produce a newsletter for Care Leavers
- Take part in surveys that can help improve our services
- Share your views and connect with other Young People
- Get more information about Mind of My Own which is an app that you can use to provide views to your worker (link for more information can be provided)
**Please note:**
The Mailbox is not an Emergency Service
If you are worried and need help you can still:
- Contact your worker
- Call Social Work Offices (Office Hours) - 01563 554200 Option 2
- Call Ayrshire Out of Hours - 0800 328 7758