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Members of the Integration Joint Board

Voting members

  • Councillor Douglas Reid (Vice-Chair), East Ayrshire Council
  • Councillor Clare Maitland, East Ayrshire Council
  • Councillor Maureen McKay, East Ayrshire Council
  • Councillor Neill Watts, East Ayrshire Council
  • Dr Sukhomoy Das (Chair), Non-Executive Director, NHS Ayrshire and Arran
  • Ms Sheila Cowan, Non-Executive Director, NHS Ayrshire and Arran
  • Ms Jennifer Wilson, Nurse Director, NHS Ayrshire and Arran
  • Mr Neil McAleese, Non-Executive Director, NHS Ayrshire and Arran

Non voting members

  • Mr Craig McArthur, Director of Health and Social Care, Chief Officer
  • Mr Alex McPhee, Interim Chief Finance Officer (Senior Manager - Finance)
  • Ms Marion MacAulay, Head of Service: Children, Health, Care and Justice (Chief Social Work Officer of the Local Authority, East Ayrshire Council)
  • Dr Manreek Basi, Stakeholder GP
  • Ms Dalene Steele, Associate Nurse Director, NHS Ayrshire & Arran
  • Dr Laura McGarrity, Associate Medical Director 
  • Dr Alexia Pellowe, Clinical Director
  • Dianne Gill, Trade Union Representative, East Ayrshire Council
  • Ms Allina Das, UNISON Representative, Staffside - NHS Ayrshire and Arran
  • Moira Fenton, Council of Voluntary Organisations (CVO)
  • Ms Fiona Pirrie, IJB Stakeholder Forum Representative
  • Ms Hendrika Psaila, IJB Person/patient rep - Stakeholder Forum
  • Ms Isabella Paton, Carers Representative
  • Ms Irene Allan, Carers Representative
  • Ms Arlene Bunton, Scottish Care Representative
  • Ms Lynne McNiven, Director of Public Health, Public Health Representative
  • Ms Lianne McInally, Head of Profession Dietetics, Allied Health Professionals

Standing orders and code of conduct

Contact Information


East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership
The Johnnie Walker Bond
15 Strand Street