Caring for someone can place stresses on both the carer and the cared for person.
In these circumstances a Carers Assessment or Single Shared Assessment of your needs may find that a period of respite care or short break for the cared for person would be beneficial to both the individual and their carer.
There are a number of ways we can help:
we can arrange for people to be supported away from their homes either within a care home or specialist respite facility for a period of time
we can arrange for access to supported activities outside the home in order to provide day time respite
we can consider how to support the cared for person at home while the carer has a break away from the family home
The East Ayrshire Carers Centre also provides a range of information, advice and support to young carers including respite care/short breaks.
For further information please speak to your care manager or contact your local Social Work office or the East Ayrshire Carers Centre using the contact details provided below.