We are committed to implementing a programme of waste management based on the principles of sustainability and advocate the disposal of waste as close as possible to its point of origin and the reduction of waste at source.
This approach includes:
minimising the generation of waste products
seeking added value from wastes where we can
promoting safe recovery of hazardous waste and reviewing safe disposal methods for non-hazardous waste
Individuals and businesses alike need to reduce, reuse and recycle waste wherever possible, leaving disposal as the last option.
Reducing waste
Reduce is the first step in the waste hierarchy. Reducing your household waste is easier than you think:
reduce the amount of over packaged goods you buy
find an alternative with less excessive packaging
purchase more durable items so you do not have to replace materials as quickly
buy recycled goods
join a nappy laundering service to reduce all those disposable nappies
donate unwanted goods to charity or resell them
There are lots of reasons why recycling makes sense. Overall it saves resources, including energy, and helps divert potentially valuable materials away from landfill sites.
Reusing waste
Reuse is the second step in the waste hierarchy. We encourage the use of several local schemes that reuse or refurbish goods such as washing machines and furniture. If you can't prevent waste, then try and get your money's worth out of it by reusing it.
Recycling waste
Recycling is the third step in the waste hierarchy.
Recycling waste materials means less waste going straight to landfill and provides many environmental benefits including less air pollution, more efficient use of finite resources and less energy use.
Recycling affects your community in other ways too. It creates more employment opportunities, encourages producers to take more responsibility for their waste and therefore improves economic competitiveness, reducing prices.