Skills and Learning 33 (SL33), the Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) Partnership Hub, is a purpose built space designed to progress the delivery and implementation of DYW in East Ayrshire.
The hub is led by the Education Service and is supported by the Employability team and partners including the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and Skills Development Scotland.
The hub, which is in line with the Scottish Government’s No-one Left Behind: Review of Employability Services, is in a central town centre location in Kilmarnock with easy access to good public transport links.
Classrooms and vocational spaces
It has classrooms and vocational spaces including a hair and beauty space and creative arts and design space, which were designed in consultation with our young people and partners.
The specially designed space ensures that the needs of clients of all ages are met and that the hub can provide a refreshed and expanded resource to support young people in the development of employability skills.
Working with council services and employers
The hub team are working with school senior leaders, pupil support colleagues, employers and a range of Council services and local training providers to improve essential work skills of young people still at school and unemployed young people. This includes work place learning activity, communications skills, encouraging creativity, innovation, enterprise and working effectively as a team.
By working with local employers, the team are helping to develop meaningful interactions with our young people through work tasters, work placements, mentoring and meet the employer sessions. They are also supporting employers to work with schools to inform the design and delivery of the careers and employability curriculum.
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SL33 promotional video
Find out more about SL33 in our promotional video below. You can also view our SL33 video playlist on YouTube.