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Following the decision taken at Cabinet on 9 October 2024, the non-statutory subsidised school transport service will be withdrawn at the end of term on 27 June 2025 due to it no longer being sustainable.

In terms of the direct services from Northwest Kilmarnock that were introduced during the pilot exercise, unfortunately these routes are considered unviable.

The expectation from the new term in August 2025 is that pupils will use existing public transport routes, whereby Stagecoach will look to increase capacity where feasible at peak times, or they may be able to use active travel routes as set out below:

  • public bus services with the Young Persons’ Free Bus Travel Scheme
  • active travel options such as walking routes to schools which formed the basis of recent engagement work with young people and parents

Public bus timetables and walking routes

Find out about the public bus services and suggested walking routes available for your school and area. You can also download the Stagecoach Bus App for live bus information and journey planning.

Grange Academy, Kilmarnock

Kilmarnock Academy, William McIlvanney Campus

Suggested walking route from the north of Kilmarnock to Kilmarnock Academy (Image 151 KB)

Suggested walking route from the south of Kilmarnock to Kilmarnock Academy (Image 179 KB)


Bus service timetable for the Bellfield area:


Bus service timetable for the Caprington area:

Kilmaurs Road

Bus service timetable for the Kilmaurs Road area:


Bus service timetable for the Onthank area:

Southcraigs, Glasgow Road and Beansburn

Bus service timetable for the Southcraigs, Glasgow Road and Beansburn area:


Bus service timetable for the Wardneuk area:

Robert Burns Academy, Cumnock

St Joseph's Academy, Kilmarnock

Suggested walking route from the north of Kilmarnock to St Joseph's Academy (Image 151 KB)

Suggested walking route from the south of Kilmarnock to St Joseph's Academy (Image 176 KB)


Bus service timetable for the Bellfield area:


Bus service timetable for the Caprington area:

Dundonald Road and Irvine Road

Bus service timetable for the Dundonald Road and Irvine Road area:


Bus service timetable for the Hurlford area:

Kilmaurs Road and Hillhead

Bus service timetable for the Kilmaurs Road and Hillhead area:


Pilot bus service timetable for the Onthank area:


Bus service timetable for the Riccarton area:


Bus service timetable for the Shortlees area:


Pilot bus service timetable for the Southcraigs area:


Bus service timetable for the Wardneuk area:

    Frequently asked questions

    What is the difference between statutory and non-statutory subsidised school transport?

    Statutory subsidised school transport is provided free to secondary pupils who live three miles or more from their local secondary school (by the recognised shortest suitable walking distance).

    Non-statutory subsidised school transport is available to secondary school pupils who live between one and a half and three miles from their catchment area school. We are currently the only local authority in Scotland that provides this service.

    Why are Loudoun and Doon Academies excluded?

    There are no pupils that access the non-statutory subsidised service from these schools.

    When will the non-statutory subsidised service be withdrawn?

    Friday 27 June 2025.

    How have the active travel routes been identified?

    All routes have been assessed by our Road Safety team as being the most suitable routes for pupils walking or cycling to school.

    What if the walking routes are not well lit when it comes to the darker months?

    All routes have been assessed and the lighting levels are compliant with standard lighting for urban areas. The routes also take account of all existing safety features such as pedestrian crossings.

    What happens if my young person gets caught in the rain while walking to school?

    Each school has spare clothing should a young person require them.

    There are currently just over 16,200 pupils across our schools and we transport 3,700 of these to and from school, therefore the majority of pupils already either travel actively to school, use public transport or are driven. Out of those 3,700, only 650 of these are pupils who receive free or subsidised transport.

    What if my young person ends up late for school?

    Bus timetables are available on this webpage or on the Stagecoach website and app. These can be used to work out which bus to get so that the young person makes it to school on time.

    It’s the responsibility of parents and carers to ensure that their young person gets to school on time.

    What if my young person has an issue around travelling to and from school?

    If your young person has a particular issue around the journey to and from school, please speak directly to your school.

    Will there be increased traffic around the schools?

    To decrease the likelihood of any increased traffic around schools, we would encourage pupils to use the recommended bus routes or active travel routes.

    If any parents or carers are dropping off or collecting young people, we would encourage them to use the Park and Stride facilities if possible.

    What work has been carried out to prepare for this change?

    An exercise was undertaken to review the locations of those pupils accessing non-statutory subsidised school transport with locally available bus routes. This showed that there are local buses services within reasonable walking distance for all communities currently receiving non-statutory subsidised school transport.

    A working group involving representatives from transport, traffic, road safety, education, Stagecoach and Police Scotland was also set up to monitor demand for the service and to consider opportunities to enhance active travel in order to provide options to transition away from the non-statutory subsidised model.

    Part of the group’s work involved consulting with parents, carers, young people and headteachers about the proposed walking routes to their schools and the use of local bus services.

    Contact Information

    School Transport Section
    Opera House
    8 John Finnie Street
    KA1 1DD
    Telephone: 01563 576334