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What is mediation?

Mediation is a voluntary and confidential process in which an independent skilled person assists people to resolve their disputes/disagreements to their mutual satisfaction.

Any outcome reached is agreed upon by the participants, it is not the mediator’s role to create solutions.

Why might I require mediation?

In practice, almost all concerns are resolved within the school/establishment or at education authority level. In the first instance any concerns should be raised with the head of establishment.

The authority strives to resolve or avoid potential problems through good communication, partnership working and positive relationships with parents.

However, there are occasions where disputes may arise. For example, a disagreement may arise over your child’s additional support needs and how these are being addressed. If such a disagreement cannot be resolved, a mediator may be able to support a process whereby all parties reach an acceptable solution.

Who will provide mediation?

Mediation for East Ayrshire Council Education Authority will be provided by Common Ground Mediation.

What are the principles of mediation?

  • voluntary process
  • confidential process
  • mediator is impartial and independent
  • view of the child or young person must be taken into account
  • the people involved have the power to arrive at a solution satisfactory to all parties
  • all parties enter into mediation looking for a solution
  • any agreement reached belongs to the people who make it
  • taking part in mediation does not affect any legal rights

How do I find out more about common ground mediation?

More detailed information regarding Common Ground Mediation Services is available to anyone and you can find out more by contacting us.

How do I access mediation?

Naturally, steps will already have been taken at a local level (between you and the head of establishment or head of service within the authority) to resolve any differences.

In the event that agreement cannot be reached a referral can be made to Common Ground Mediation Services

Other information

Contact Information

Psychological Services
St Joseph’s Academy
Grassyards Road
Telephone: 07500 913 493
Telephone: 07500 912 741
Telephone: 07985 394 638
Common Ground Mediation Services
PO Box 28094
EH16 6WH
Telephone: 0131 664 9324
Mobile: 07760 486465