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This consultation is now closed. If you have any queries please get in touch with our Customer Liaison Team.


Council tenants and Registered Tenant Organisations in East Ayrshire are being encouraged to have their say on rent setting proposals for 2024-25

The Council has a statutory duty to consult on the level of council house rent increase each year.

Proposal document

We have outlined the two options for rent increases:

  • Option 1 - increase rents by 6.5%
  • Option 2 - increase rents by 7.5%

Download our detailed  Rent consultation booklet 2024-25 (PDF 1Mb)  to find out more about the proposals for each rent increase option.


The formal consultation period began on Monday 11 December 2023 and closed on Friday 19 January 2024.

All tenants who submit a response will be entered into a draw to win a £100 East Ayrshire Gift Card.

How findings will be used

The views and comments provided will be considered in setting the council house rent level for 2024-25.

We will publish results online and will also include details in a report to Cabinet in early 2024.

Contact Information


Customer Liaison Team
Opera House
8 John Finnie Street
Mobile: 07786 661223