Title |
Housing Asset Management Framework, Housing Investment Programme, Strategic Housing Investment Plan |
Lead officer(s) |
Deborah Brady, Gary Craig, Angela Graham |
Telephone number |
01563 576244 |
Email address |
Alyia.Zaheed@east-ayrshire.gov.uk |
Date summary created |
05 Dec 2016 |
Date assessment completed |
30 Nov 2016 |
Summary of policy aims |
The Equalities and Impact Assessment was carried out on 3 specific documents. This was in part due to the linked nature of the plans.
Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP) - The core purpose of the SHIP 2017-2022 is to set out the Local Authority's strategic investment priorities for the delivery of affordable homes over a five year period so as to achieve the outcomes set out in the Local Housing Strategy (LHS). All Local Authorities are required to prepare and submit a SHIP. The focus of the SHIP is on prioritisation and delivery. The SHIP should:
• Set out investment priorities for affordable housing Demonstrate how these will be delivered. Identify the resources required to deliver these priorities. Enable the involvement of key partners
Housing Asset Management Framework (HAMF) - The purpose of the Housing Asset Management Framework (HAMF) is to provide a framework for managing our property assets to ensure that they contribute efficiently and effectively to the achievement of the Council's aims and objectives, both now and in the future, while ensuring that we retain vibrant communities with quality homes. It was developed to ensure that East Ayrshire's housing stock meet the present and future needs of our tenants, sustainability of tenancies is improved and that the best use of our resources is made. The key objectives of the framework are:
• Ensuring that the Council has a sustainable, quality housing stock within strong and vibrant communities. Using resources as efficiently and effectively as possible. Maximising resources for further investment in existing and new stock.
Housing Investment Programme (HIP) - Housing Investment Programme for 2017/18 to 2021/22 to ensure continuing support for the Council's commitments in terms of the Standard Delivery Plan and ongoing maintenance of the housing stock. The Council's approach to ensuring that there are balanced, sustainable communities is concerned not just with environmentally friendly new homes but with the physical and social condition and stability of neighbourhoods. Works on the Housing Investment Programme until April 2015 required to be tailored towards achievement of the Scottish Housing Quality Standard.
Key issues |
SHIP/HIP/HAMF - Issues included, the need for more homes designed for older people to reflect changing demographics, future proofing homes for specific age groups, alleviating fuel poverty, more energy efficient properties and residents ability to remain in their communities.
Positive - Focus on accommodation aimed at young people will be strengthened to better facilitate a planned progression into independent living.
Positive - Has Identified the need for a bespoke housing solution for care experienced young people so as to support and promote their successful transition from care settings to independent living.
Positive - Town centre living, positive impact on health and wellbeing, educational attainment, accessibility to essential services
Summary of involvement with Groups |
Equality groups were not specifically involved in producing documents but are represented through data collected as part of the local housing strategy, and the housing needs demand assessment. There was no planned involvement due to the sensitivity of documents, although consultation took place with tenant/resident representatives and elected members. A more in depth consultation will take place to feed into new Housing Needs Demand Assessment.
Key recommendations |
As the SHIP/HIP and HAMF are implemented over the next 5 years, specific pieces of work will be undertaken, and protected characteristic equality groups will be involved in this process. This will be planned and managed by Local Housing Strategy Officer and Consultant carrying out revised Housing Needs and Demand Assessment.
The impacts upon residents in terms of equality issues will, as part of the process be assessed concurrently with this process therefore at present no modifications required. Further examination and development of the issues addressed within the documents will be undertaken on an ongoing basis.
The annual review process will afford the opportunity to make modifications should these be deemed necessary in light of performance monitoring and further research and consultation. The outcomes of the HNDA will inform future reviews. Equalities monitoring will be used to inform ongoing housing needs and demand assessments and will underpin reviews of LHS objectives and targets.