Title |
Primary and Urgent Care Improvement Plan 2024-2027 |
Lead officer(s) |
Vikki Campbell, Head of Primary and Urgent Care |
Telephone number |
Email address |
Date summary created |
09 Sep 2024 |
Date assessment completed |
02 Sep 2024 |
Summary of policy aims |
The Service Improvement Plan for Primary and Urgent Care is set out within the context of the East Ayrshire Community Plan 2015-2030, particularly in relation to the Wellbeing Delivery Plan and the East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership Strategic Plan 2021-2030.
Service Improvement Plans (SIPs) are a key part of the Health and Social Care Partnership's performance management and improvement framework. This Plan sets out our: vision and priorities; performance framework; risks and opportunities; improvement actions for 2024-27 and progress made during 2021-24.
This SIP is structured around improvements in Allied Health Professionals services, in contributing towards positive outcomes for people and communities within the strategic planning context. |
Key issues |
The East Ayrshire HSCP is committed to tackling discrimination, advancing equality of opportunity and promoting good relations within our workforce and in our communities. As an organisation, we strive to mainstream equality, diversity and human rights for all of our residents, partners and staff, in the way we operate when acting as a: policy maker, service provider, decision maker, and buyer of goods and services. As such, any substantial changes to service provision, policies or new budget proposals that are likely to have an impact on local people, the workforce or other stakeholders, will be carefully considered, evidence-based, and subject to an Equality Impact Assessment.
Specific client groups who are expected to benefit from the actions set out in the Allied Health Professionals Service Improvement Plan include: people who use services and their families/carers, members of the public, employees and delivery partners. In particular, this will include people of all ages with mental and physical health conditions. |
Summary of involvement with Groups |
The comprehensive engagement around the HSCP`s Strategic Plan allowed the Partnership to gather views from numerous stakeholders and consider these alongside other evidence, to inform the strategic direction of the Plan and our strategic priorities and deliverables over the coming years. These evidence-based priorities along with service level requirements identified and consideration of local data, were then used to shape the Primary and Urgent Care Service Improvement Plan. |
Key recommendations |
The Service Improvement Plan 2024-27 was developed and agreed by the Senior Management Team. The SIP was approved by the Audit and Performance Committee on 6th August 2024, and will be presented to the Integration Joint Board for formal approval on 28th August 2024. |