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Title Allied Health Professionals Service Improvement Plan 2024-27
Lead officer(s) Lianne McInally - AHP Senior Manager
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Date summary created 29 Aug 2024
Date assessment completed 28 Aug 2024
Summary of policy aims The Service Improvement Plan for Allied Health Professionals is set out within the context of the East Ayrshire Community Plan 2015-2030, particularly in relation to the Wellbeing Delivery Plan and the East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership Strategic Plan 2021-2030. Service Improvement Plans (SIPs) are a key part of the Health and Social Care Partnership's performance management and improvement framework. This Plan sets out our: vision and priorities; performance framework; risks and opportunities; improvement actions for 2024-27 and progress made during 2021-24. This SIP is structured around improvements in Allied Health Professionals services, in contributing towards positive outcomes for people and communities within the strategic planning context.
Key issues The East Ayrshire HSCP is committed to tackling discrimination, advancing equality of opportunity and promoting good relations within our workforce and in our communities. As an organisation, we strive to mainstream equality, diversity and human rights for all of our residents, partners and staff, in the way we operate when acting as a: policy maker, service provider, decision maker, and buyer of goods and services. As such, any substantial changes to service provision, policies or new budget proposals that are likely to have an impact on local people, the workforce or other stakeholders, will be carefully considered, evidence-based, and subject to an Equality Impact Assessment.
Summary of involvement with Groups The AHP SIP content fully aligns to the HSCP`s priorities outlined in the Strategic Plan 2021-30, with all improvement actions being linked to the six strategic priorities and associated deliverables. The Partnership`s Strategic Plan was recently updated to reflect the 2024-27 period. This is also the lifespan of the current SIPs, which will take forward the 2024-27 strategic deliverables. The HSCP`s Strategic Plan was developed by engaging and consulting with our governance groups, workforce, partners and the communities we serve. This feedback has provided an understanding of local perspective and the things that matter most to people. Local Community Conversation events were delivered in 2023 in each of our three HSCP localities, which provided an opportunity for the Partnership and delivery partners to engage directly with our communities to reflect on what is working well and where we need to improve. The feedback from these events helped to inform our Strategic Plan, our Participation and Engagement Strategy and has been incorporated into our Service Improvement Plans. Feedback included: • Improving the information for the public on what services are available. • Better communication between services to prevent people retelling their ‘story'. • Improving access to technology as services move to using digital methods. • More targeted service provision for those experiencing health inequalities. • Increasing the appeal for people to work in health and social care. A focused consultation on the Strategic Plan was carried out from April to June 2024 using a multi-faceted approach incorporating online, targeted, and light-touch engagement. The engagement focused on people who use our services, unpaid carers, the wider public, the workforce, third sector, provider organisations and our governance groups. We developed a survey to find out what matters to our communities. The survey was shared with all our internal and external networks and promoted on social media, through posters and leaflets. A summary of feedback includes: • The vision should include ‘health' to reflect the partnership between health and social care. • Three quarters of respondents feel the strategic priorities are the right ones but ‘Starting Well and Living Well' should also include ‘Dying Well.' • In terms of enablers, respondents highlighted the key ones as communication and information, engagement and collaboration and partnership with housing services. • Of the workforce responses, the majority stated they can see how the work they do contributes to the Plan. When asked to rank the priorities for the next three years, our top four responses were: o More families are financially stable. o People have better mental health. o Fewer people are lonely or socially isolated. o Fewer people have problems with drugs or alcohol. Targeted discussions took place at East Ayrshire's Equality Forum, IJB Stakeholder Forum and Alcohol and Drug Partnership Lived Experience Panel and East Ayrshire Recovery Network. Light-touch engagement took place at Alzheimer's Scotland, Learning Disability Week Information Event and Dalmellington Health Hub. A focused session was also held with our Strategic Planning Group members. To coincide with What Matters to You Day on 6th June, the HSCP arranged four coffee mornings for the workforce across various HSCP locations. Staff felt there is work to do to improve the way services work together. Feedback also included improving support and facilities for staff to do their job well and ensuring they have a work/life balance.
Key recommendations Agree and introduce the Service Improvement Plan.

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