Title |
UCAN - LD and MH Commissioned Services |
Lead officer(s) |
Linda Surgenor - Senior Manager Wellbeing and Recovery |
Telephone number |
Email address |
Linda.Surgenor@east-ayrshire.gov.uk |
Date summary created |
06 Dec 2023 |
Date assessment completed |
06 Dec 2023 |
Summary of policy aims |
The Partnership is committed to securing continuous improvement in the delivery of all its services and to identifying more efficient and effective ways of delivering services to provide better value for money for our communities. The Best Value Service Review (BVSR) process provides a framework for assessing the effectiveness of the range of options available for service delivery. UCan was one of 25 services in-scope of the review. Focussed piece of work being undertaken to capture some additional information to inform the BVSR. |
Key issues |
The BVSR found that it lacked confidence in the organisation to deliver long-term sustainable outcomes. The key motive of the Learning/Intellectual Disability and Autism - Towards Transformation (Scottish Government, 2021) is to ensure the human rights of people with autism, and learning or intellectual disabilities and empower them to live lives like everyone else. The notion of Active Citizenship stresses the importance of equality, where people with learning disabilities are able to participate in all aspects of everyday life, and have equal opportunities. East Ayrshire`s Health and Social Care Partnership Strategic Plan 2021-2030 focuses on ensuring individuals and their families have better health and wellbeing with fairer outcomes putting people at the centre of what we do. |
Summary of involvement with Groups |
During the BVSR process, a survey was sent to all service users of the 25 services in-scope. The survey was available online, as a word document and as an emoji-based survey to ensure it was accessible. Focus groups and 1-1 feedback sessions were also offered to the services in-scope. For UCan, 30 service users with a learning disability and 2 carers gave feedback. The feedback was generally positive with most respondents happy with the service. There were several negative comments about the cost to use the UCan minibus. There were suggestions for improvement from carers around the lack of progression through the service into sustainable positions of work in the community. Local and national policy is included in the `Gather and Analyse Information` section. Service users have not yet been consulted with on the reduction of the service. |
Key recommendations |
This review will ensure individuals and their families have better health and wellbeing with fairer outcomes putting people at the centre of what we do. |