Title |
Gender Based Violence Policy |
Lead officer(s) |
Amanda Lowe Head of Service People and Culture |
Telephone number |
Email address |
amanda.murphy@east-ayrshire.gov.uk |
Date summary created |
16 Oct 2023 |
Date assessment completed |
16 Oct 2023 |
Summary of policy aims |
Gender-Based Violence (GBV) is an umbrella term that encompasses a spectrum of abuse experienced mostly by women and perpetrated mainly by men including: domestic abuse, rape and sexual assault, childhood sexual abuse, sexual harassment, stalking, commercial sexual exploitation and harmful traditional practices such as female genital mutilation (FGM), forced marriage and so-called “honour†crimes. East Ayrshire Council will not tolerate gender based violence in any form and all employees who experience abuse should be supported regardless of gender. We are committed to developing a workplace culture in which there is a zero tolerance for violence and which recognises that the responsibility for GBV lies with the perpetrator. The Council is further committed to ensuring that any employee who is a victim has the right to raise the issue with their employer in the knowledge they will receive appropriate support and assistance. It is recognised that gender-based violence has a devastating impact on individuals and their families. The Council is aware of its duty of care for ensuring, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of its employees at work, and for creating an environment in which employees are safe to disclose their experience of abuse in order to access support and increase safety for themselves and others. However, the right of employees not to disclose must be respected and no employee should feel pressured into sharing this information if they do not wish to do so. For some employees the workplace could be a safe haven and the only place that offers routes to safety. Gender based violence is perhaps the most widespread and socially tolerated of human rights violations. It has no boundaries in terms of geography, age, race, religion, disability, education or sexual orientation. This policy aims to support employees experiencing GBV whilst at work. |
Key issues |
This policy states how the Council will support employees experiencing GBV whilst at work. It provides information in relation to accessing support both within the Council and information in relation to external organisations. It provides guidance for managers in relation to support.for their staff. |
Summary of involvement with Groups |
The Council requested from other local authorities for benchmarking purposes. The information was analysed to help inform the policy. Information was also analysed locally and nationally from the Scottish Government, East Ayrshire Equally Strategy, Police Scotland in relation to figures. Information in relation to lived experience was also collated to inform the policy.
This policy was developed through the establishment of a short term working group consisting of Women`s Aid, EAC employees Trade Unions, Ayrshire Roads Alliance, and went through further consultation with Tarde Unions, East Ayrshire Violence Against Women partnership who represent a number of equality groups. There was input from employees with lived experiences and this information was recorded, collated and the policy was amended accordingly. |
Key recommendations |
To approve the policy as it support employees experiencing GBV and highlights specialised support for employees with protected characteristics. |