Title |
Learning Disability and Mental Health Commissioned Services Best Value Service Review |
Lead officer(s) |
Linda Surgenor |
Telephone number |
Email address |
Linda.Surgenor@east-ayrshire.gov.uk |
Date summary created |
18 Jan 2024 |
Date assessment completed |
18 Jan 2024 |
Summary of policy aims |
The Partnership is committed to securing continuous improvement in the delivery of all its services and to identifying more efficient and effective ways of delivering services to provide better value for money for our communities. The Best Value Service Review (BVSR) process provides a framework for assessing the effectiveness of the range of options available for service delivery. The scope of the review relates to Learning Disability and Mental Health Commissioned Services. |
Key issues |
The Review has followed the guidelines set out in the Corporate Best Value Service Review Guidance (Securing Continuous Improvement: A guide to carrying out a Best Value Service Review) and has applied the key principles of Challenge, Consult, Compare and Compete. The Review considers the aims and objectives of services, outcomes achieved, service provision and partnership working including with statutory services and other key partners. Within scope are all Mental Health and Learning Disability commissioned services excluding those that are unique and highly specialised support provision, pan-Ayrshire services and support services for people with addiction issues. There is a requirement to review the addiction support services but this will be carried out as a separate review. The recommendations approved by the Integration Joint Board were to: - develop three distinct contract frameworks: Community Based Supports, Residential and Supported Accommodation - develop separate lots under each contract framework - focus on evidencing outcomes and demonstrating individuals are being supported to reach their potential - improve processes and outcomes for young people and their families when experiencing transitions to adult services. - improve communication in the Contract Framework detailing the process when a service to an individual is changing. - improve outcomes for individuals with complex care needs. - improve employability options for individuals.
There was a good level of responses was received across stakeholder groups (current service users n= 210; carers/relatives n= 15 and service providers= 15), with a range of constructive feedback collected relating to current circumstances and the future direction of service provision. To facilitate meaningful participation, careful consideration was given to the design of the service user survey to ensure it was as accessible as possible due to the potential complexity of disabilities which the respondents may have. This included incorporating simple multiple choice questions and emojis to respond. Key themes from the consultation included: Flexible support - Ensure support is person-centred and flexible to service user wishes. Model of delivery - Consider alternative models of delivery to ensure effective oversight. Consider higher rates for support in rural areas. Transitions - Review the current transition pathways for children into adult services to ensure early planning, including collaboration and information sharing with service providers.hanging. - improve outcomes for individuals with complex care needs. - improve employability options for individuals. |
Summary of involvement with Groups |
A period of comprehensive consultation was began on 19 May 2023. To gather as much feedback as possible, the consultation period was extended from 30 June to Friday 28 July. A combination of virtual, paper-based and face-to-face methods have been utilised. This process was clearly communicated to all key stakeholders above via a mix of letter and email distribution and telephone calls. An offer of support to participate was extended to service users, carers and provider organisations and all stakeholders were given the opportunity to obtain further information about the Review if desired. The Partnership's Smartsurvey account was utilised to provide an accessible online platform for stakeholder groups to participate and provide their views virtually, in addition to the offer of paper-based forms and telephone interviews. Links to the individual surveys were distributed and participation encouraged through direct emails and letters. The surveys were collectively designed by the Review Group with input from the HSCP's Engagement Officer to ensure the content and format were pertinent to the Review's objectives and accessible to the targeted cohorts. A literature review was completed to inform BVSR. The policy context, nationally and locally, was included in this. The Health and Social Care Standards are also central to the review. East Ayrshire`s Health and Social Care Partnership Strategic Plan 2021-2030 focuses on ensuring individuals and their families have better health and wellbeing with fairer outcomes putting people at the centre of what we do. Further work is being undertaken to develop the model for respite/short breaks as further information is required for this. |
Key recommendations |
The review supports meeting the different needs of the protected group and enabling people in protected groups to participate and offers support to those in need. Areas for improvement have been identified through the Review which will work to eliminate inequality. Key areas of focus will be transitions, complex care support and employability supports. Further work is being carried out on models of delivery for respite/short breaks. |