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Assessment information
Title Strategic Plan 2021-2030
Lead officer(s) Michael Byers
Telephone number
Email address
Date summary created 09 Oct 2022
Date assessment completed 09 Oct 2022
Summary of policy aims The overarching objective of the East Ayrshire HSCP Strategic Plan 2021-30 is to work with all of our partners and communities to improve and sustain wellbeing, care and promote equity. Key local outcomes we are pursuing in this strategy include:

1. More people and families have better health and wellbeing and have fairer outcomes.

2. Health and social care is delivered in a way that promotes wellbeing and suits people and families, both virtually and through the buildings, places and spaces of the local environment.

3. People, unpaid carers, families and communities achieve their outcomes through seamlessly joined up support

4. We have the right people with the right skills in the right place at the right time, to support people, families and communities to achieve their goals.

5. East Ayrshire is a safe place for people to live, work and visit.

6. Digital technology has improved local wellbeing and transformed health and care. The key equalities-based outcome intended by the strategy is to Improve the lives of people across East Ayrshire by reducing the significant inequalities and barriers local residents face to living a safe, healthy and active life.
Key issues The key issues are to ensure that communities in East Ayrshire have access to services that will sustain wellbeing and care and promote equity.
Summary of involvement with Groups The Corporate Equalities Officer (East Ayrshire Council) shared a draft copy of the Strategic Plan with the Equalities Forum, which is chaired by the Elected Member for Equality, Inclusion and Poverty and comprises individuals and members of groups, representing all of the protected characteristics; Elected Members; Council officers and partner representatives. Evidence that was used in the development of the Strategic Plan included:

EA HSCP Annual Performance Reports 2. National Data Returns i.e. Core Suite of Integration Indicators, Ministerial Strategic Group (MSG) etc.

Public Health Scotland Locality Profiles X 3 (Northern, Southern and Kilmarnock Localities)

Directorate Everyone Matters Pulse Survey 2020 5. Mental Health Quality Indicators

East Ayrshire HSCP Health and Wellbeing Strategic Needs Assessment

Outputs from IJB Development Session
Key recommendations To approve to ensure that all of our partners and communities to improve and sustain wellbeing, care and promote equity to support key local outcomes that have been identified.

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