Title |
Work Experience Policy |
Lead officer(s) |
Donna Neilson |
Telephone number |
Email address |
donna.neilson@east-ayrshire.gov.uk |
Date summary created |
16 Jun 2021 |
Date assessment completed |
24 Nov 2021 |
Summary of policy aims |
This policy sets out the Council's commitment to the provision of work experience placements. It supports young people to be work ready and to consider a career with the Council in order to grow the number of young people employed by the Council. The policy sets out the three routes to undertaking work experience placements and the arrangements for set up, management, recording and reporting of them. |
Key issues |
This policy is aimed at work experience placements for young people aged 16 to 19 years who have left school and are being supported through No-One Left Behind work-based activity. From 2016 learners in East Ayrshire were able to undertake Foundation Apprenticeship provision delivered through Ayrshire College. This offer was enhanced from 2018 with provision offered through the three Ayrshire local authorities. Foundation Apprenticeships enable young people, still at school, to develop skills for work and build qualifications whilst still working to the school curriculum. adults 18+ years who have left school or are unemployed and are being supported though the Employability Fund programme which includes access to and support of a team of Work Coaches. It is hope that people with a broad range of protected characteristics receive work placements. Work Experience opportunities will be open to all those applicable regardless of race, disability, sexual orientation etc. and equality monitoring will take place to identify any gaps, and develop initiatives to encourage under-represented groups. |
Summary of involvement with Groups |
Young People and EAC staff who actively work with young people in supporting them into employment. Skills and Employability service. Chamber of Commerce. Education, Children and Young People's cabinet, Collective Bargaining Group. At present East Ayrshire does not collect equality monitoring data from Young Peoples Cabinet so we cannot ascertain the any other protected characteristics other than age in the consultation however as a direct result of this EIA East Ayrshire Council will look to request and collate equality data of YP Cabinet. |
Key recommendations |
To approve the policy as the Work Experience Policy offers an opportunity for young people to experience the world of work and supports young people to be work ready. This policy will actively encourage young people form all backgrounds to have the opportunity of entering a work experience that they may feel that was not an option and has the potential to breakdown stereotype job roles. |