Title |
Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan 2019-2024 |
Lead officer(s) |
Helen Merriman |
Telephone number |
01563 554878 |
Email address |
helen.merriman@east-ayrshire.gov.uk |
Date summary created |
15 May 2019 |
Date assessment completed |
15 May 2019 |
Summary of policy aims |
The Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Action Group (HARSAG) was formed in October 2017 to produce short and long term solutions to eradicate homelessness and rough sleeping.
The group has made rapid rehousing a cornerstone of its recommendations: “rapid rehousing is about taking a housing led approach for rehousing people that have experienced homelessness, making sure they reach a settled housing option as quickly as possible rather than staying in temporary accommodation for too longâ€.
East Ayrshire Council recognises that the health and wellbeing needs of those experiencing homelessness are equally important as the housing needs. These needs can be more effectively addressed from the stability of settled accommodation.
As part of the development of the Local Housing Strategy 2019 - 2023, East Ayrshire Council is working alongside Community Planning Partners to produce this 5-year Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan (RRTP). RRTP sets out how the Council and our partners will work together to prevent homelessness and improve outcomes for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
The intended outcomes of the RRTP are to:
- support the Council`s vision of preventing homelessness
- ensure appropriate settled housing outcomes and support options are available to meet people`s needs and maximise tenancy sustainment
- ensure the time spent in temporary accommodation is minimised
- improve access to a range of housing options |
Key issues |
The RRTP is likely to impact on homeless people`s access to housing in East Ayrshire and as such is likely to have a related impact on access to housing for non-homeless households, including those applying through the Transfer, Waiting, and Outwith the District groups.
The RRTP has been developed to address the needs of specific vulnerable groups and will have positive impacts for those who are homeless and threatened with homelessness, people with multiple and/or complex needs, those experiencing domestic abuse, offenders and ex-offenders and care experienced young people, by considering existing specialist support and our future vision to end homelessness and create sustainable communities.
The RRTP is expected to advance equality of opportunity between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and those who do not share it and is required to foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.
Inequalities will be tackled through the commitment to ensuring that those most vulnerable in communities are protected and supported.
The RRTP will promote equality, diversity and inclusiveness which underpin all of our work, and we will continue to work with all partners to tackle the root causes of inequalities, to build a fair and inclusive East Ayrshire. |
Summary of involvement with Groups |
Information and evidence was gathered form the following sources:
East Ayrshire Local Housing Strategy 2013-18
Housing Need and Demand Assessment 2018
Strategic Housing Investment Plan 2019-24
Homelessness in Scotland 2017/18 statistics
Health and Social Care Partnership Strategic Plan 2018 - 2021
East Ayrshire Housing Contribution Statement
East Ayrshire Common Allocations Policy
Housing Asset Management Framework
Private Sector statistics
HL1, HL2 statistics
The RRTP has been developed following consultation with the RSL partners who were asked to consider the scope and remit of their services and set out what they are able to contribute towards the Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan.
Contribution Statements from the following current partners have informed early intervention and prevention pathways, the means of increasing available housing stock, supported accommodation requirements, a Housing First approach and additional support needs:
• East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership - Community Health and Care including Addiction and Mental Health Services, Children's Health, Care and Justice Services
• Vibrant Communities
• Centrestage Communities
• East Ayrshire Women's Aid
• EACHa (East Ayrshire Churches Homelessness Action)
• NHS Ayrshire and Arran: HMP Kilmarnock
• Blue Triangle Housing Association Ltd. |
Key recommendations |
Monitor and review the outcomes of the actions contained within the RRTP against targets set to achieve the following:
- support the Council`s vision of preventing homelessness
- ensure appropriate settled housing outcomes and support options are available to meet people`s needs and maximise tenancy sustainment
- ensure the time spent in temporary accommodation is minimised
- improve access to a range of housing options
The RRTP will be under continual review and development and will become an integral part of the suite of strategic documents that form the Local Housing Strategy 2016-2021 and be reviewed annually as part of the SHIP process. |