Title |
Safer Communities Delivery Plan |
Lead officer(s) |
Chris McAleavey |
Telephone number |
01563 574602 |
Email address |
gwen.barker@east-ayrshire.gov.uk |
Date summary created |
20 Mar 2018 |
Date assessment completed |
20 Mar 2018 |
Summary of policy aims |
The Safer Communities Delivery Plan sets out the key actions which partners and stakeholders have identified to allow the East Ayrshire Community Planning to achieve their aspirations for a safe, vibrant and prosperous East Ayrshire. Building upon the work already carried out by partners, this new Delivery Plan will renew the focus and commitment of all to work even more closely together to deliver improved outcomes for individuals and communities.
The partnership is committed to protecting communities by tackling the causes of anti-social behaviour to improve the lives of residents across our communities and, to this end, this Delivery Plan will also serve as our Anti-social Behaviour Strategy.
In simple terms, this plan sets out how stakeholders will work to make East Ayrshire a place with strong, safe and vibrant communities. Collaborative working will be central to thr approach because we know that by working together and sharing our skills, knowledge and experience we achieve more. |
Key issues |
The Safer Communities Delivery Plan aims to seek positive action in relation to hate crime and domestic violence. Promoting partnership working to tackle these issues and support the most vulnerable in our communities. |
Summary of involvement with Groups |
In carrying out this review, officers have been informed by the wide bank of local intelligence which is shared across our community planning partnership and the views of local residents about the key priority areas to be addressed, as identified through a range of consultation and engagement mechanisms including, but not exclusive to, the following:
• East Ayrshire Local Outcomes Improvement Plan Area Profile (a copy of which is available in the Members' information point and portal);
• Community Led Action Plans;
• East Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership Residents' Survey 2017 and the Tenant Satisfaction Survey 2017; and
• Vibrant Voices consultation feedback gathered as part of the development of East Ayrshire Council's programme of transformational change.
Community and Voluntary sector delegates at the Community Planning conference in June 2017 were also invited to provide their views in respect of the Partnership's future priorities. |
Key recommendations |
From the information available at the time of the EIA being carried out there was no discrimination or adverse impact identified within the Safer Communities Delivery Plan. Indeed the Delivery Plan sets out to tackle discrimination, inequalities to ensure that all people living, working and visiting East Ayrshire have a fair and equal access to services, and as such should be introduced without amendment. As part of this Equality Impact Assessment recommendations have been made regarding further monitoring and reviewing of the Delivery Plan and it`s implementation. |