Title |
Economy and Skills Delivery Plan 2018 - 2021 |
Lead officer(s) |
Alex McPhee Depute Chief Executive and CFO |
Telephone number |
01563 574602 |
Email address |
gwen.barker@east-ayrshire.gov.uk |
Date summary created |
15 Mar 2018 |
Date assessment completed |
15 Mar 2018 |
Summary of policy aims |
The Economy and Skill Delivery Plan focuses on delivering economic growth which will contribute to improved outcomes across the communities of East Ayrshire, directly through an increase in business and employment opportunities and also more widely in relation to improving individual and collective wellbeing and strengthening our communities. It is recognised too that developing a confident, successful, appropriately qualified and skilled workforce will be essential to allow us to maximise the benefit of these future opportunities. |
Key issues |
The Key Priorities to address inclusive growth and embed ambition, aspiration, creativity and entrepreneurship in our culture, we will work in partnership to Promote East Ayrshire as a place to live, work and visit; attract, grow and retain business; develop a confident, successful, highly skilled and qualified workforce, which is aligned to key local sectors; deliver the Ayrshire Growth Deal, through a regional partnership. As a Community Planning Partnership East Ayrshire Community Planning Partners seek to tackle inequality in all that they do. This includes MITIGATE the impact of inequalities through provision of support and delivery of services; • work to PREVENT individuals and communities experiencing inequalities; and • take action and influence to UNDO the root causes of inequalities. In all of the strategic decision making we will pay ‘due regard' to how we can reduce inequality of outcome caused by socio-economic disadvantage and embed this thinking into everyday practice. In addition, we want to continue to focus on early intervention and prevention, ensuring that we get things right first time and prevent negative outcomes. Lifelong Learning remains central to this approach as we seek to empower our local residents at all life stages to build their own capacity and to achieve their full potential. |
Summary of involvement with Groups |
Proposals for the review process were developed and agreed by the Community Planning Executive Officers' Group in May 2017. These proposals were subsequently endorsed by the CPP Board at its meeting of 15 June 2017 and by Cabinet at its meeting of 23 August 2017. Regular progress updates have since been considered by members of the Executive Officers' Group and the Council's Management Team over the course of 2017/18. A summary of the final review process is detailed below: May-October 2017 Stakeholder Working Group convened to take forward development of the new Local Outcomes Improvement Plan (LOIP). November 2017 Initial draft LOIP presented to the CPP Executive Officers' Group for consideration and review. October 2017 - February 2018 Delivery Plan Reviews undertaken by the three Strategic Leads and Delivery Plan Working Groups. October 2017-February 2018 Targeted Locality Plans prepared. Targeted locality planning is now embedded within the Community Led Action Plan process for those areas in the most deprived 0-5% data zones. January - March 2018 High level Strategic Priorities approved in principle by Cabinet and Council on 21 and 22 February 2018 and remitted to officers to finalise with Community Planning Partners. CPPs consideration of future Strategic Priorities for 2018-2021. February 2018 Draft Delivery Plans circulated to Elected Members, Council Management Team and Executive Officers' Group for consideration. End February 2018 Draft LOIP updated to reflect new Delivery Plan and priorities from targeted locality planning. 5- 8 March 2018 Review and challenge of final draft LOIP and Delivery Plans by Partner agencies, community representatives and Elected Members. 6 March 2018 Police and Fire Committee consideration of Safer Communities Delivery Plan. |
Key recommendations |
From the information available at the time of the EIA being carried out there was no discrimination or adverse impact identified within the Economy and Skills Delivery Plan, Indeed the Delivery Plan sets out to tackle discrimination, inequalities to ensure that all people living, working and visiting East Ayrshire have a fair and equal access to services,and as such should be introduced without amendment. As part of this Equality Impact Assessment recommendations have been made regarding further monitoring and reviewing of the Delivery Plan and it`s implementation. |