Title |
The People Strategy |
Lead officer(s) |
Paul McGowan |
Telephone number |
01563 576227 |
Email address |
human.resources@east-ayrshire.gov.uk |
Date summary created |
25 Oct 2017 |
Date assessment completed |
25 Oct 2017 |
Summary of policy aims |
People Strategy: Performance through People, provides a vision of how we will ensure delivery of the outcomes of our Community Plan (2015 - 2030) through the effective and targeted performance of our people. This People Strategy recognises the critical role that a motivated, skilled and capable workforce plays in every aspect of service delivery and continuous improvement. It sets out a plan for the key activities and actions we will take to support and enable our employees to continue delivering excellent, innovative and cost effective services with and for our communities |
Key issues |
Due to the high level nature of the content of the strategy, this Equality Impact Assessment at this point, has not identified any potential impacts across the protected characteristics or cross cutting issues. The People Strategy does however encompass current practices and policies that East Ayrshire Council adhere to and as such many positive impacts were identified in these policies in relation to the protected characteristics. It should also be noted that all existing HR policies are reviewed on a regular basis and where they are subject to changes they will undergo a new Equality Impact Assessment. |
Summary of involvement with Groups |
The design of the strategy was completed in consultation with East Ayrshire Council employees and with external bodies such as Trade Unions. |
Key recommendations |
From the information available at the time of the EIA being carried out there was no discrimination or adverse impact identified within the People Strategy and as such should be introduced without amendment. As part of this Equality Impact Assessment recommendations have been made regarding further monitoring and reviewing of the Strategy and it`s implementation. |