The Corporate Support Service was established as a consequence of the 2021 Council management review, including the role and responsibilities of the previous Policy, Planning and Performance Division as a key strategic unit that plays an important corporate support role.
Key responsibilities and priorities include:
- leading and supporting the strategic Community Planning agenda across East Ayrshire Council and the wider Community Planning Partnership
- ensuring an integrated approach to performance management and reporting, statistical and data analysis, best value, self-assessment and improvement
- supporting East Ayrshire Council and its Community Planning Partners to respond to the wider Public Sector Reform agenda and new legislative requirements
- ensuring and strengthening effective business management support for chief officers and providing an advisory capacity to services and departmental management teams
- overseeing the effective implementation of our Complaints Handling Procedure and supporting services across East Ayrshire Council with advice and support in relation to complaints handling
- further embedding and mainstreaming the equalities agenda
In addition, the Corporate Support Service is also responsible for the development and implementation of a new internal Project Management Office function, which is being established to progress ongoing innovation and transformation of East Ayrshire Council and partnership services in support of our wider shared ambitions for renewal and recovery.