Different ways you can travel to help reduce costs.
National Entitlement Card
The National Entitlement Card (NEC) can be used to access free, discounted and concessionary travel on public transport in East Ayrshire and across Scotland.
This includes:
- concessionary travel for people aged 60+ or with a disability
- young persons' (under 22s) free bus travel scheme
- travel discounts for 16-18 year olds, or full time volunteers under 26 years
Find out if you're eligible and how to apply for a National Entitlement Card.
Active travel
Around 50% of car journeys made in Scotland are under two kilometres. By choosing to walk, cycle or scoot instead you could save on fuel costs as well as improving your own health.
The Active Travel Hub Kilmarnock enables anyone who lives, works or studies in East Ayrshire to choose walking or cycling as a way of travelling around for short local journeys. If it's not far, could you leave the car?
To find out about the latest activities and events, follow the Active Travel Hub on Facebook and Twitter.
Liftshare links drivers with passengers so you can share costs, reduce your travel impact on the environment, and have someone to chat to on your journey.
Visit the Liftshare website to find out more.
Further information
Find out more about what we are doing to decarbonise our fleet and minimise grey fleet mileage, whilst encouraging active travel through walking, cycling and public transport on our Climate Change Strategy Transport page.