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Cllr McMahon joins the Greener Communities team

East Ayrshire gets a good Spring clean

Towns and villages across East Ayrshire are cleaner, greener and more vibrant after being treated to a good Spring clean throughout the month of April.

Kulmbach  -2

Celebrating 50 years of town twinning with Kulmbach

Provost Jim Todd and Depute Provost Claire Leitch made a special trip to Germany last weekend to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Kilmarnock being twinned with the town of Kulmbach.

East Ayrshire Council

Cabinet agrees future direction for tackling poverty and inequality in East Ayrshire

At a recent meeting of Cabinet, Councillor Douglas Reid, Leader of the Council and all elected members present, recognised that tackling poverty and inequality within East Ayrshire was a top priority and took a decision on the future direction of support to our local communities and businesses.