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windfarm 2-2

East Ayrshire gears up for LDP3

When East Ayrshire Council planners gained approval for their Local Development Plan 2 (LDP2) in March, they said they were immediately starting work on their next plan.  And true to their word, Cabinet has just just agreed their next steps in creating LDP3, which will eventually supersede the current plans.

East Ayrshire Council

Non-statutory subsidised school transport pilot exercise starts soon

The pilot exercise to encourage secondary pupils who currently use non-statutory subsidised school transport to use active travel routes or public bus services instead starts later this month.

Christmas parking

Changes to town centre parking tariffs coming soon

Parking charges in and around Kilmarnock town centre are set to change, following an extensive review of on-street and off-street arrangements, and a number of proposals were approved by East Ayrshire councillors at a meeting of Cabinet earlier this week.