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All 32 Scottish local authorities have been working with the Improvement Service on developing a common approach to benchmarking, which is grounded in reporting standard information on the services councils provide to local communities across Scotland.

The benchmarking framework for Scottish Local Government was launched on 7 March 2013.

Benchmarking framework

The benchmarking framework was developed to support evidence based comparisons on how much councils spend on particular services, service performance, and customer satisfaction with regard to the major services provided by councils, and through that shared learning and improvement.

All of the information generated by the Local Government Benchmarking Framework (LGBF) is presented on a new online benchmarking public reporting tool, which contains dashboards for each council showing movement on indicators across the four years covered, 2010/11 to 2013/14, and a comparison with the Scottish average for all indicators.

A full list of indicators and East Ayrshire Council’s data can be accessed on the Improvement Service website.

Our national performance indicators

An annual report is presented to the Governance and Scrutiny Committee in April each year detailing the Council’s comparative performance in respect of the national performance indicators, relative to other Scottish Councils. 

    Contact Information


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    Council Headquarters
    London Road
    KA3 7BU
    Telephone: 01563 576075
    Council Headquarters
    London Road
    East Ayrshire
    KA3 7BU
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    Telephone: 01563 554400
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    24 Hour Emergency Helpline (local rate): 0345 724 0000